Felicia Devereux, the founder


Bonjour, mis amis!!

Greetings, my friends!! Simslover163 here and welcome to my first ever legacy challenge! I’m so excited for this and I hope you all will enjoy the journey! So, off we go!!

A Fresh Start

This is the founder of my legacy, Felicia Devereux. She’s a foodie, a bookworm, and she loves the outdoors! Her dream is to become a bestselling author!

So, here she is in Windenburg, ready for a fresh start. The first thing she did was find a job and she was able to get one as a writer at Walrus Books.

“I can’t wait for the day I write my own books!”, Felicia said.

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Now that she’s got a job, she decided to buy some furniture and then do a little exploring around the neighborhood. She saw a frog log and from that log, she got an Eggplant Whirl Frog.

“Wow! What a beauty!”, Felicia said.

A few minutes later, she started hearing bells and chimes.

“Hmmm. Does that mean the Welcome Wagon is here?”, Felicia wondered.

She looked around her lot and saw no one. She looked further and saw a boy in a blue and pink sweater as well as a beautiful couple.

“Really? You guys have to be that far?”, Felicia said. She first walked towards the boy and introduced herself.

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“Hello, fellow neighbor! My name is Felicia Devereux and I’m new here,” Felicia said.

“Nice to meet you, Felicia. I’m Sergio Romeo!”, Sergio said.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Sergio! I just moved here from France!”, Felicia said.

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“You’re from France?”, Sergio asked.

Oui! Paris, to be exact. I moved here to start a new life. My parents, my younger brother, and older sister wished me lucked before I left,” Felicia said.

“Cool! I wish you good luck as well!”, Sergio said.

“Thank you! Say, I saw a lovely couple there. Why do we go over there and meet them?”, Felicia asked.

“Sure! Let’s go!”, Sergio said and the two went over to the lovely couple.

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“Hello!! My name is Felicia Devereux and I just moved here from Paris!”, Felicia said.

“Welcome to Windenburg, Felicia!! I’m Clara Bjergsen and this is my lovely husband, Bjorn!”, Clara said.

“Nice to meet you, Felicia! It’s our pleasure that we welcome you to the neighborhood!”, Bjorn said.

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“You all are so nice!! Say, I’ve been hearing about those clubs! Are any of you in any clubs?”, Felicia said.

“We all are. I lead the Upper Crusts club, where we do food related activities. I’m a member of the Powerhouse club, where we workout,” Clara said.

“Wow, I would love to join the Upper Crusts! I’m a foodie, you know!”, Felicia said.

“You’re a foodie? That’s amazing! I would love to have you in the Upper Crusts!”, Clara said.

“I’m part of the Paragons! My girlfriend, Siobhan, leads the club, and in this club, we try on outfits, drink coffee, and be mean to the Renegades. The Renegades is our rival club and deep in our hearts, we HATE them!”, Sergio said.

“So basically, the Paragons are like the angels and the Renegades are the devils?”, Felicia asked.

“Yes, basically an angel vs devil relationship,” Sergio said.

“I lead the Good Timers club, where we have drinks and foosball matches. I’m a member of the Garden Gnomes, where we do outdoor activities like fishing and gardening,” Bjorn said.

“I love the outdoors, so this can another club I can join!”, Felicia said.

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Sergio decided to do some sit ups while Bjorn plays Blicblock on his phone. Uh, guys, you should get to know your new neighbor.

“I have a brother and sister. My brother, Bradley, loves art and my sister, Rebecca, is a super genius! My mother loves to tell jokes and my father loves art, just like Bradley,” Felicia said.

“Bjorn and I have two lovely daughters, Sofia and Elsa. Sofia loves music and she’s part of the Paragons. Elsa is a super genius and she leads the League of Adventurers club. We love our daughters!”, Clara said.

“I live with my roomie, Joaquin Le Chien, and I’m sorry he couldn’t make it to the welcome wagon today,” Sergio said.

“That’s okay. I would love to meet him one day!”, Felicia said.

“You’ll eventually meet him! He’ll be at the dance clubs dancing the night away!”, Sergio said.

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Sergio discussed neighborhood changes with Felicia. Uh, Bjorn, are you passing gas?

“Uh, what’s that smell?”, Felicia asked.

“Hmmm. Ewww, did someone pass gas??”, Clara said.

“I did!”, Bjorn said.

“Whoa! That smell sure was awful!”, Felicia said.

“Oh, forgive Bjorn. He tends to be a little mischievous,” Clara said.

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“Well, it’s time for us to go. It was a pleasure meeting you and we hope to see you around!”, Clara said.

“It’s awesome that I got to know you guys! I feel so welcome now!”, Felicia said.

“I’m so glad you are! Well, we’re on our way! Have a great day!”, Clara said and she, Bjorn, and Sergio went home.

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After a lovely day with the neighbors, she went to the shoreline and fished. Given that she has only 260 Simoleons left from buying the necessities, she’ll have to find more ways to make money, aside from her career.